Through our Bi Cultural services provision, we offer services in what ever fashion is requested, ie the Anishinaabe Way and Customary Care with Elders, Healers, Ceremonies etc, or through the mainstream practice through Parts II and III of the CFSA and with clinical counselors, psychologists and therapists.
We have been blessed with a Grandmother Drum for the agency (Niiobeniisiik), a staff representing our 14 First Nations, adorned with feathers and ribbons representing our children, a song, and a blanket to keep the children warm, (adorned with a square representing each of our 14 First Nations). Our staff have been gifted with feathers and bundles to assist them in their daily work.
Our Cultural Coordinator will arrange ceremonies upon request from our staff or clientele, as well as Caregivers and families. He works very closely with our Elders Council, Giigidizhiminaanig.
Giigidizhiminaanig, our Elders’ Council, plays a pivotal role in providing guidance, direction and spiritual uplift to compliment the cultural services for our Agency. Their tireless energy in sharing their wisdom and spiritual guidance is very much appreciated. The Agency Cultural Coordinator, in consultation with our Elders, provide a full range of cultural services but not limited to Sharing Circles, Sweats, Shake Tent, Ceremonies, Naming Ceremonies, coordinating Feasts, smudging, individual consultations for healing or counseling and assistance with community consultations.
As always our seasonal Ceremonies (spring and fall) are well attended by staff, children, community people and leadership from those respective communities. We acknowledge those First Nations for their fine hospitality. Gitchii miigwech for hosting our agency.
Our annual “Honoring Our Children” Pow Wow takes place every summer at Pow Wow Island in Wauzhushk Onigum Nation. This event is an excellent opportunity for our staff, Board, Elders, children, families and communities to get together to share their gift of traditional experiences and sacred bundles, as well as to give back to the communities. Regalia at the pow wow, the excellent traditional dancing and various drum groups sharing their songs make these pow wows an awesome sight and experience to be part of. This event is truly an excellent way of showing support and commitment to one another.
Cultural Safety is a new term that we hear from time to time. Our people need to be respected in a manner in which they feel comfortable, and culturally safe. This term has been described to consist of the following values:
Understanding one’s identity by participation in:
- Listening to and /or speaking the Anishinaabe language
- Experiencing male and female Elders
- Experiencing Ceremonial activities
- Hearing the expression of our Spirit Names and Clan System
- Experiencing our relationship to family and extended family members
- Experiencing our connection to the land and our home community
- Experiencing and participating in sharing humor
- Circle knowledge and expression is a way of life and living
- Value and belief systems that demonstrate to us about life and living with our relations
- Respect for all living creatures